Bernarda Majc

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»Air protection 2023« conference

Martina Štampar, PhD, gave an oral presentation entitled “Hepatic 3D Cell Model – A Sensitive Approach for Determining the Adverse (Geno)toxic Activity of Air Pollutants.” She summarized research work on benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), which is the main representative of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as well as a ubiquitous environmental pollutant found in air, surface water, soil,…

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NIB opens the door four young students

We are always investing in the product of research, but we have to invest also in the future researchers themselves. NIB (National Institute of Biology) opened the door to more than 550 young students to give them better understanding of the world they live in. We also presented our CutCancer Project to give them better…

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Round table (26.09.2023): ” World Cancer Research Day at NIB”

On World Cancer Research Day, the National Institute of Biology hosted a lecture and a discussion about new technologies that will increase the understanding of cancer as part of the CutCancer project and thus open up new therapeutic options.   As part of the prestigious EU project – Horizon Europe Twining, the NIB researchers presented the…

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Innovative Probes of Metalloproteases 2 and 9 for Targeting Brain Tumor Glioblastoma

Blagoj Mukaetov1, 2, 3, Manca Osolin1, Nika Banovšek1, Bernarda Majc1, Anamarija Habič1,4, Metka Novak1, Tamara Lah Turnšek1, Barbara Breznik1 & Laurent Devel3 1National Institute of Biology, Department of Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Biology, 111 Večna pot, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, 113 Večna pot, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Université Paris-Saclay,…

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Chemotherapy affects the metabolism of glioblastoma stem cells differently than glioblastoma differentiated cells

Katrin S. Galun1, Bernarda Majc1, Anamarija Habič1,2, Cornelis J.F. van Noorden1,3, Barbara Breznik1, Miloš Vittori4, Urban Bogataj4, Metka Novak1 1Department of Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Biology, National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2The Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 3Department of Medical Biology, Amsterdam UMC location Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The…

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Dogodek (26.09.2023): Z novimi tehnologijami do boljšega razumevanja in novih možnosti zdravljenja raka

Program 14.00 – 14.05 Uvodni pozdrav prof. dr. Maje Ravnikar, direktorice NIB 14.05 – 14.10 Predstavitev evropskega projekta CutCancer, izr. prof. dr. Bojana Žegura 14.10 – 14.25 Uvodno predavanje doc. dr. Klementine Fon Tacer (Texas Tech University, ZDA) z naslovom »Heterogenost tumorjev vodi v odpornost na zdravljenje – od analiz posameznih celic…

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