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ToxLearn4EU Summer School

Within ToxLearn4EU Summer School in Zagreb (3.7. – 14.7.2023) Bojana Žegura gave a lecture on the advanced hepatic in vitro 3D cell models as a novel approach for studying genotoxic activity of chemicals and nanomaterials that was developed and characterised within the HE CutCancer project.

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Expert visit of NIB researchers to Amsterdam Medical Center, VUmc

Metka Novak and Barbara Breznik had an expert visit to Amsterdam University Medical Center, location VUmc from 4-5 July 2023. They gave scientific lecture on NIB research activities, got acquainted with Imaging Mass Cytometry technology and planned further activities on the CutCancer project. They were hosted by research group of Febe Van Mandegem at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology to discuss scientific collaboration.

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Expert visit of NIB at Swansea University, UK

Bojana Žegura visited a project partner Shareen Doak at Swansea University Medical School. Bojana gave an oral presentation about the Department of Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Biology, NIB, and the research conducted within the department with the emphasize on genetic toxicology.

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News in the field of radiotherapy and radiobiology: from research to the clinic

The aim of the conference was to give an overview of the research being carried out in Slovenia in the field of radiotherapy and radiobiology. Clinical and preclinical research in the field of treatment of various cancers such as breast cancer, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer and brain cancer was presented. The research areas included all treatment methods such as chemotherapy, targeted drugs and immunotherapy as well as radiotherapy. In addition to the research, innovations in immunotherapy treatment were also presented, with a focus on combining it with radiotherapy. Metka Novak from NIB gave a presentation on patient-derived glioblastoma organoids and how they can show resistance of glioblastoma to clinical therapies. She presented new features and the complex composition of glioblastoma organoids and explained how organoids provide a clinically relevant culture system for assessing the specific responses of glioblastoma patients to therapy. She also presented the CutCancer project and explained how the findings from this project will enhance scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the field of 3D in vitro cancer research at NIB, through access to cutting-edge technologies such as spatial transcriptomics and proteomics.

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Infoday Horizon Europe Opportunities for Danube Countries

Bojana Žegura, PhD, presented the story of the successful Twinning application "Twinning for excellence to strategically advance research in carcinogenesis and cancer (CutCancer)". She explained what the Twinning project is about, what is expected from Twinning projects, and how the consortium started preparing the proposal. She presented the main objectives of CutCancer project and explained how the project is structured.

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TC3R Seminar Series-invited talk

Barbara Breznik from NIB gave an invited talk as part of TC3R Seminar Series at the Texas Tech University, USA. She summarized the work on new advanced 3D tumor models for cancer research and their use for exploring cancer therapeutic resistance. Identification of new cancer vulnerabilities can lead to more efficient cancer treatment in the future. The talk was dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers and faculty to initiate new research collaborations and project discussions.

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Phi Zeta Research Day

Our recent findings on new cancer vulnerabilities were presented at Research day at Texas Tech University in Amarillo, Texas, USA. Dr. Barbara Breznik gave a talk on advanced 3-dimensional cancer models and their use to explore new therapeutic targets for brain tumors.

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