Martina Štampar presented research work at the ESTIV congress in Prague (3-6 June) in a form of poster presentation. She presented work, entitled »Hepatic 3D cell models for assessment of genotoxic effects induced by BPA, BPC, BPAP and their complex mixtures«.
In the presented study we tested bisphenol A (BPA), which has become a major concern due to its harmful effects on human health prompting the increasing use of alternative bisphenols such as BPC and BPAP among many others. Despite the increasing use of alternatives, not much is known about their toxicity especially information on chronic exposure and combined effects is lacking. We investigated the adverse toxic effects of BPA and its analogues BPC and BPAP with emphasis on their (cyto)genotoxic activities after short and prolonged exposure in an in vitro hepatic 3D cell model developed from HepG2 cells. 3-days old spheroids were exposed to BPA, BPC, BPAP and their binary mixtures BPA/BPC and BPA/BPAP for 24 and 96h and then evaluated for cell viability (ATP), DNA damage (comet assay) combined with toxicogenomic analyses.
ŠTAMPAR, Martina, RAVNJAK, Tim, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana. Hepatic 3D cell models for assessment of genotoxic effects induced by BPA, BPC, BPAP and their complex mixtures. V: 22nd International Congress ESTIV [European Society of Toxicology In Vitro] : abstract book : Prague 2024, 3-6 June. [S. l.: s. n., 2024]. Str. 95. [COBISS.SI-ID 198517251]