Bojana Žegura, Alja Štern, Matjaž Novak, Martina Štampar, Katja Kološa and Tim Ravnjak presented research work in the frame of CutCancer project at the EEMGS congress in Rovinj (23-27 September) in a form of poster presentation. They presented several posters, entitled »CutCancer project«, »Adverse (geno)toxic effects of bisphenol A and its analogues BPS, BPAP, BPAF, BPFL, and BPC in a 3D HepG2 cell model«, »In vitro (geno)toxicity of Vanadium-droped iron-oxide NANOZYMES«, »Cyclosporin A, a non-genotoxic carcinogen – its possible mechanisms of action« and »How safe is CBD«.