
EEMGS congress in Rovinj September 2024


Bojana Žegura, Alja Štern, Matjaž Novak, Martina Štampar, Katja Kološa and Tim Ravnjak presented research work in the frame of CutCancer project at the EEMGS congress in Rovinj (23-27 September) in a form of poster presentation. They presented several posters, entitled »CutCancer project«, »Adverse (geno)toxic effects of bisphenol A and its analogues BPS, BPAP, BPAF, BPFL, and BPC in a 3D HepG2 cell model«, »In vitro (geno)toxicity of Vanadium-droped iron-oxide NANOZYMES«, »Cyclosporin A, a non-genotoxic carcinogen – its possible mechanisms of action« and »How safe is CBD«.