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2nd General Assembly meeting

The General Assembly met online on 15th of April 2024, focusing on the interim progress report and the upcoming technical review meeting. Members of the General Assembly discussed the upcoming progress report deadline of May 2024, emphasising the need for updated information on milestones, researchers, and risks. Details on financial reporting were also discussed. The…

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General Assembly meeting

The General Assembly meeting on 10 November 2023 brought together representatives from all project partners. The aim of the online meeting was to assess the collective progress made so far and to outline a roadmap for future collaborative initiatives. The event began with a welcome from the chair, prof. Bojana Žegura, National Institute of Biology.…

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1st Annual CutCancer meeting

As the first year of the project implementation is coming to an end, the first Annual Project Meeting was held via Zoom on 10 November 2023 to review the work done so far and look ahead to the project’s future activities. Hosted by the National Institute of Biology, the meeting began with an overview of…

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SWAN Visit at NIB

The National Institute of Biology was proud to host Michael John Burgum, PhD, a researcher from Swan – Swansea University – UK. The purpose of the visit to NIB was to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge of HepG2 liver spheroid tissue culture using Bioreactors over a 21-day period. Given the time to culture…

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Research Data Management Roadshow meeting

Manaï Meriem, Research Data management (RDM) Specialist and Vlainic Elize, Research Data Management Consultant presented research data management (RDM) at VUmc, which aims to control the entire data management process along the research lifecycle; from study preparation, data acquisition, data processing and statistical analysis, writing and publishing, to archiving and open data.

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Kick-off meeting

The official Kick-off Meeting of the CutCancer project was held on February 24th. The project coordinator NIB organised it virtually via Zoom Meeting platform. In addition to extensive participation of the involved partners Swansea University, Stockholm University, VU Medical Center Amsterdam and National Institute of Biology, the event gathered Policy Officer at the European Commission Doru Leonard Irimie, Advisory Board members Ira Skvortsova and Krzysztof Wrzesinski and Ethics Advisor Tadeja Režen.

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CutCancer technical meeting

Online meeting with all CutCancer partners was dedicated to technical obligations needed to start the project on 1st of January 2023. Technical guidelines for better experience, prepared by the coordinator were addressed. Technical guidelines include all the contacts of the partners, their legal and financial information, timeframe of the projects; when to expect activities, legal matters such as Grant Agreement, communication & dissemination guidelines /obligations: what we need to keep in mind, reporting needed for the project and other suggestions.

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