
Kick-off meeting

The official Kick-off Meeting of the CutCancer project was held on February 24th. The project coordinator NIB organised it virtually via Zoom Meeting platform. In addition to extensive participation of the involved partners Swansea University, Stockholm University, VU Medical Center Amsterdam and National Institute of Biology, the event gathered Policy Officer at the European Commission Doru Leonard Irimie, Advisory Board members Ira Skvortsova and Krzysztof Wrzesinski and Ethics Advisor Tadeja Režen.

Bojana Žegura, the Project Coordinator, opened the Kick-off Meeting by giving the basic information and overview of the project, specific objectives and scientific background. Doru-Leonar Irimie, Project Officer from the European Commission, mentioned the Horizon Europe programme and explained the twinning scheme and its main objectives and rules. He also outlined project management (reporting, financial aspects, and amendments), with special attention given to the Gender Equality Plan, Open access and Ethics.

Kick-off Meeting followed by WP leaders’ presentations. The content of presentations included description of tasks, deliverables, and upcoming actions of the respective WPs. In order to facilitate discussions, a Q&A session was organised after each presentation. This helped to spark useful discussions leading to significant conclusions. The meeting end with several tasks that need to be conducted this year by the consortium among them setting up guidelines for Communication & dissemination obligations.