We need a little bit of all our diverse knowledge to recognize, understand and treat brain cancer so that one day we can say that we have it under control.
GlioBank consortium, a Slovenian translational platform for the collection of tissue samples and corresponding tumour models as well as clinical data from patients diagnosed with glioma, with a focus on glioma grade IV glioblastoma (GB), gathered at NIB (National Institute of Biology).
GlioBank is built on a multidisciplinary network with the aim of providing a comprehensive database and biological material to improve knowledge of the biology and outcome of glioma patients. The workflows of sample and data collection, cell model generation and data analysis were presented.
The plans for future research strategies, sampling and data processing were discussed that can facilitate the development of new treatment approaches and the search for new biomarkers, with the goal of improving outcomes for GB patients.
Partners of GlioBank consortium present at the meeting:
-National Institute of Biology; Barbara Breznik, Metka Novak, Mateja Mlinar, Katrin Galun
-Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana; Aleksander Sadikov, Vida Groznik, Miha Petrišič
-Department of Neurosurgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana; Borut Prestor, Andrej Porčnik, Matic Munda
-Institute of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana; Miha Jerala, Matic Bošnjak, Alenka Matjasic
-Institute of Oncology Ljubljana; Skoblar Marija
– Clinical Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana; Dejan Georgiev