July 4, 2023

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ToxLearn4EU Summer School

Within ToxLearn4EU Summer School in Zagreb (3.7. – 14.7.2023) Bojana Žegura gave a lecture on the advanced hepatic in vitro 3D cell models as a novel approach for studying genotoxic activity of chemicals and nanomaterials that was developed and characterised within the HE CutCancer project.

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Expert visit of NIB researchers to Amsterdam Medical Center, VUmc

Metka Novak and Barbara Breznik had an expert visit to Amsterdam University Medical Center, location VUmc from 4-5 July 2023. They gave scientific lecture on NIB research activities, got acquainted with Imaging Mass Cytometry technology and planned further activities on the CutCancer project. They were hosted by research group of Febe Van Mandegem at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology to discuss scientific collaboration.

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